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Circlesphere Lanterns


Commissioned by The Arthouse Wakefield and inspired by the exhibition of the same name by Fred Tschida at The Arthouse Wakefield and Warehouse 7a, the Circlesphere Lantern project was a procession through the town centre during Light Up Wakefield.

Artists Tony Wade and Helen Thomas worked with children from Lawefield Lane and Sandal Primary schools to create giant lanterns inspired by the exhibition and Bev Adams, Claire Hills, Claire Walker and Charlie Wells worked with members of the public inside Wakefield Cathedral to create smaller cylinder lanterns for the procession. 

The participants processed through the main shopping precinct, around Wakefield Cathedral to a soundscape created by Charlie Wells, during the Still installation by NOVAK on the Cathedral, as part of the Light Up Wakefield Event on 20th November. 2021.

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Circlesphere Lanterns - by Charlie WellsArtist Name
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